Terms & conditions
Read carefully through the information below
Everything you read on this page has been established to ensure a cohesive and enjoyable experience for all event attendees and to maintain the event’s integrity and reputation. It aims to create a fair and controlled environment for organizations and individuals to engage with participants while respecting the event’s guidelines and objectives.
- To receive your starting kit, you will be asked to present your ticket and a mean of identification.
- You cannot start the race in a different time than the one you select.
- Participants and audience must follow the marked areas specified for each of them.
- If a participant deviates from the race track, he or she is considered disqualified.
- Participants must complete each obstacle, otherwise penalties will apply on each obstacle you don’t finish.
- Everyone attending the event must throw rubbish in the waste baskets available.
- The competitor’s race number on must be visible during the race, and the headband must be worn visibly above the shoulders.
- You must be 17 years old and above.
- You have to follow instructions from BRAVE1ST crew.
- You agree to participate in the race at your own risk and in the event of any injury caused by not following the crew instructions, you have no right to make any claims whatsoever against BRAVE1ST or the land owner.
*Knowing that a professional medical team will be available during the entire day of the event, to provide any immediate care. - You must NOT be under the influence of alcohol or drugs when attending the race.
- Tickets are NON refundable.
- You agree to the Force Majeure Clause: Brave1st has the right to, for example, war, riot, fire, natural disaster (such as flood, hurricane, earthquake), extreme weather, explosions, strikes, epidemics, new laws prohibiting public gatherings, decisions or recommendations from authorities and other similar cancel or postpone the event to a later date. If the event is postponed , Brave1st has no obligation to refund the participation fee, and you will have the opportunity to start in a Brave1st event at a later time.
Photos and videos
Photos and videos taken of the participant during the race belong to Brave1st, the participant agrees by signing up to Brave1st that Brave1st has the right to use these images. This also includes Brave1st being allowed to use images and marketing without compensating the participant.
Clothing & gear suggestions
- It’s advisable to wear full-length pants/tights and, full-sleeved shirts to protect your body.
- Black clothing is highly recomended.
- As you might get wet during the race, clothing are better tight and made of functional fabrics (avoid cotton).
- Choose appropriate shoes for the muddy course, where you’ll encounter water and slippery running. Barefoot running and the use of shoes with metal spikes or cleats are prohibited.
- After the race, have warm, dry clothing to change into.
General Conduct
Competition tactics are part of the interaction between competitors, and the competitor is obliged to:
- Arrive at least 45 minutes before your start time to receive your starting kit.
- Display good sportsmanship at all times.
- Take responsibility for their own safety and the safety of others.
- Follow instructions from crew and officials.
- Treat other competitors, officials, volunteers, media, sponsors, and spectators with respect and politeness.
Useful Information
Preparing for the race
- You’re about to face a significant challenge that will push your physical and mental limits to new levels.
- Running 6 km on flat surface is a completely different experience compared to running in Brave1st race terrain, where the route is characterised by hills and around 15-20 obstacles.
- Climbing obstacles require arm and grip strength. It’s advisable to get ready for the race using Brave1st free training program.
- It’s important to pace yourself and not to rush through the initial few kilometers, considering the race’s considerable length.
- The course is fully staffed from start to finish, so you can always seek assistance and guidance.
- Bring along a friend or family member to maximise the fun.
- You should be in good physical condition and mentally prepared to tackle challenging obstacles.
- Wear appropriate clothing and shoes for a muddy race.
- Be prepared to get dirty and push your limits.
- Come with a positive attitude and a willingness to support fellow racers.
Prohibition of Promotional Materials
During Brave1st Obstacle Course Race event, no participating organisation or individual shall distribute any promotional materials, including but not limited to flyers, brochures, samples, coupons, business cards, or any other form of marketing materials, unless explicit authorisation has been granted by the event organisers.
Authorisation Process:
- Any participating organisation or individual seeking to distribute promotional materials must submit a written request to the event organisers, detailing the nature and purpose of the promotional materials to be distributed.
- The event organisers will review each request and determine whether it aligns with the event’s objectives and values. Approval or denial of authorisation will be at the sole discretion of the event organisers.
- Authorisation, if granted, will be provided in writing, either by email or in the form of a printed permit. Participants must keep the authorisation document with them at all times during the event and present it upon request by event staff.
Violation and Consequences:
- Any organisation or individual found distributing promotional materials without explicit authorisation will be in violation of this clause.
- In case of a violation, event staff or representatives have the right to immediately halt the distribution of unauthorised promotional materials and request the offending party to cease such activities.
- Depending on the severity and frequency of the violation, the event organisers may take appropriate actions, which may include issuing warnings, revoking participation privileges, or removing the violating organisation or individual from the event premises.
Compliance and Cooperation:
- By participating in Brave1st Obstacle Course Race, all organisations and individuals agree to comply with this clause and abide by the event organisers’ decisions regarding the distribution of promotional materials.
- Participants understand that the event organisers’ decisions are final and binding in all matters related to the authorisation or prohibition of promotional material distribution.